The 2nd Research Report aims to analyse the strategies proposed by children to strengthen child participation at the local level, the key aspects to consider during the proposal development process, the elements that facilitated or hindered this process, and the lessons learnt along the way. The analysed information comes from the participation of 184 children from ten Child Participation Platforms, who, between February and June 2024, developed their Strategic Plans for their respective municipalities. Additionally, it includes contributions from 43 representatives of these Platforms, who worked collaboratively during the Platforms Meeting held in Madrid in October 2024.

Their contributions help identify municipal-level strategies that could enhance child participation and the conditions necessary to advance from the Child Participation Platforms in collaboration with local government teams.


Report in Spanish and how to cite:

Pose Porto, H., Barba Núñez, M., Ferrús Vicente, L., Novella Cámara, A.M., Riádigos Couso, X. y Suárez Canedo, L.R. (2024). Informe de investigación. Estrategias propuestas por las niñas y los niños para fortalecer su participación en los municipios. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). Universidad da Coruña y Universidad de Barcelona.

Report in English and how to cite:

Pose Porto, H., Barba Núñez, M., Ferrús Vicente, L., Novella Cámara, A.M., Riádigos Couso, X., & Suárez Canedo, L.R. (2024). Research Report. Strategies Proposed by Children to Strengthen their Participation in the Municipalities. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022- CHILD). Universidade da Coruña & University of Barcelona.


A guide created by children

In order to produce this guide, the Platforms in each municipality have carried out research on how they would like to see more participation in their municipalities. To do this, they analysed the state of children's participation in each territory and proposed a list of actions to involve children in more decision-making spaces.

At the 2nd National Meeting of IMCITIZEN Platforms, they shared their plans and proposals and prioritised the 14 most important proposals to improve children's participation in their communities.

The guide is the result of the work of 140 children who were the leading actors in this process.

Resource in Spanish and how to cite:

Novella-Cámara, A., Ferrús-Vicente, L. y León-Carrascosa, V. (2024) (Coord). Plan de participación ciudadana de la infancia. Guía elaborada por niñas y niños. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). Universitat de Barcelona.

Resource in English and how to cite:

Novella-Cámara, A., Ferrús-Vicente, L., & León-Carrascosa, V. (2024) (Coord). Plan for Child Participation. A guide created by children. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). University of Barcelona.

In this research report , we present the results and conclusions of the data analysis obtained by applying different techniques - questionnaires, participatory spaces, audiovisual recordings, documentary recordings - to the children of the participating schools, as well as to the adults who support the processes with different degrees of engagement and intensity - facilitators, teachers, municipal officers, family members. The study focuses on providing keys for systematising the co-design process of Child Participation Platforms and facilitating their replication in other contexts and municipalities. The report includes an introduction, the context of the research, the methodological design, the results in five sections and the conclusions, which include i) the main keys that will facilitate the process of co-designing platforms and ii) 10 steps to systematise and shape the co-design process. The document, published in open access in the repository of the University of Barcelona, is available in English.


Please, cite this document as:

Novella-Cámara, A., Sabariego-Puig, M., Llena-Berñe, A., Esteban-Tortajada, M.B., Ferrús-Vicente, L. & Noguera-Pigem, E. (2024). Research Report. Keys to creating Child Participation Plataforms in the EU. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD).University of Barcelona

WE PARTICIPATE, we take action!

Discover how to co-design a Child Participation Platform!
10 steps explained by children who have already done it

This illustrated book results from the joint effort of children from several schools who have participated as active and committed citizens in co-designing Child Participation Platforms. It contains practical tools to support this process and resources presented by the protagonists themselves. click here for their stories and experiences.


Resource in Spanish and how to cite:

IMCITIZEN. (2024). ¡Participamos, pasamos a la acción! Codiseñamos una plataforma de participación infantil. (IMCITIZEN CERV-2022-CHILD). Universitat de Barcelona.

Resource in Catalan and how to cite:

IMCITIZEN. (2024). Participem, passem a l’acció! Codissenyem una plataforma de participació infantil. (IMCITIZEN CERV-2022-CHILD). Universitat de Barcelona.

Resource in English and how to cite:

IMCITIZEN. (2024). We participate, we take action! Co-designing a child participation platform (IMCITIZEN CERV-2022-CHILD). University of Barcelona.

This Toolbox aims to provide knowledge, methodological tools and resources to review and strengthen children's participation in schools. Given the socioeducational role of schools, they are an excellent environment to make children's right to participate effective and to involve them in decision-making spaces at school, local, national and European levels.

This resource provides elements for adults involved in education, as well as those who have more or less direct contact and interaction with children to promote children's rights and their active participation in decision-making.


Resource in English and how to cite:

Various authors. (2024). Children’s rights, active and participatory citizenship. YOUARECITIZEN. Toolbox for teachers and educators. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). University of Barcelona.


In this Toolbox , we share resources for children to teach other children about their rights. These have been developed by girls and boys aged 10 to 12 in twelve schools across various locations in Spain, who experimented with engaging and effective ways to raise awareness of children's rights among their schoolmates. They have co-designed the tools and are the protagonists of the experiences presented here. A total of 140 boys and girls took center stage in training campaigns within their schools. We hope these tools prove genuinely useful for you to initiate and lead participation processes alongside other boys and girls.

Resource in Spanish and how to cite:

AAVV. (2023). Children as trainers on children's rights. Our toolbox. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). University of Barcelona.

Resource in English and how to cite:

Various authors. (2023). Children as trainers on children’s rights. Our toolbox. IMCITIZEN (CERV-2022-CHILD). University of Barcelona.

This helpful infographic resource (which you can access by clicking on the images) provides elements that can be of assistance in initiating and implementing Child Participation Platforms in any space and context.

First, we learn what Platforms are and what characterizes them. This is necessary to establish the foundations of their operation, and it's essential knowledge for the children who will play a leading role in the co-design process and starting them up. Second, the resource presents the collective challenge undertaken by the volunteer IMCITIZEN children, who, in ten schools across six Spanish communities, have created Platforms that are now fully operational. Finally, the material outlines the phases of co-design and what has been worked on in each session, in addition to providing insights into how children's participation in the development of a Platform for this purpose should be understood.




Toolbox Children and Participation

The tools provided by this training will foster the development of skills to support and strengthen children's participation in municipalities: more participation opportunities, more visibility as active and capable citizens, more collaborative and deliberative participatory practices, and more self-management in local issues.

Visit the website and make the most of these training tools!